Data Protection Declaration
Standard and extended guarantee and Customer Service

We, Liebherr-Great Britain Limited, attach great importance to the protection and security of your personal data. Therefore, we consider it vital to inform you in the following about which of your personal data we process for what purpose and what rights you have in respect of your personal data.

A. General information

I. What is personal data and what does processing mean?

  1. “Personal data” (hereinafter also referred to as “data”) are all the details that make a statement about a natural person. Personal data are not just details that allow a direct conclusion to be drawn about a certain person (such as the name or e-mail address of a person), but also information with which with suitable additional knowledge a connection can be made with a certain person.
  2. "Processing" means any action taken with your personal data (such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, use or erasure of data).
  3. II. Who is the controller for the processing of your data?

    The controller for the processing of your data is:
    Liebherr-Great Britain Limited,
    Normandy Lane,
    Stratton Business Park,
    SG18 8QB.
    Tel.: 03330 147 888

    III. How can you reach our data protection officer?

    Our data protection officer can be reached with the following contact details:
    Data Protection Officer
    Liebherr-Great Britain Limited,
    Normandy Lane,
    Stratton Business Park,
    SG18 8QB.
    Tel.: 01767 602100

    IV. What rights do you have as a data subject?

    As a data subject, you have the right, within the legal scope, to:

    1. Information about your data;
    2. Rectification of inaccurate data and completion of incomplete data;
    3. Erasure of your data, particularly if (1) they are no longer necessary for the purposes stated in this Data Protection Declaration, (2) you have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal ground for the processing, (3) your data have been unlawfully processed, or (4) you have objected to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
    4. Restriction of the processing of your data, particularly if the accuracy of the data is contested by you or the processing of your data is unlawful and instead of deletion you demand restriction of use;
    5. Object to processing of your data based on legitimate interests, on grounds relating to your particular situation, or, without specific justification, to processing of your data carried out for direct marketing purposes; unless it is an objection to direct marketing, we ask that you explain the reasons why we should not process your data as we may do, when you lodge an objection. In the event of your reasoned objection, we will examine the merits of the case and cease processing unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
    6. Receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have your data transmitted from us directly to another controller;
    7. Withdraw consent, if you have given us consent for processing. Please note that the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal will not be affected by your withdrawal;
      1. If you assert any of the above-stated rights, please understand that we may require you to provide evidence showing that you are the person you claim to be.

        Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your data infringes the GDPR.

        B. Data processing for customer service, standard and extended guarantees

        Liebherr-Great Britain Limited will process and store your data for the purposes of carrying out service or repair work under the terms of the standard or, additionally purchased, extended guarantee.

        What data do we process and for what purpose?

        We process the following data for standard and extended guarantees:

      2. Title
      3. First name, surname
      4. Your address (street, house number, postcode, city or town, country)
      5. Your telephone number
      6. Your e-mail address
      7. The retailer you purchased the appliance from
      8. Date of purchase
      9. The serial number of your appliance
      10. Invoice data
      11. We process the above data for the following purposes:

        These data are in principle processed by us solely for the purpose of recording your right to our standard guarantee, or your purchase of our extended guarantee.

        Processing for other purposes may only be considered if the necessary legal requirements pursuant to Article 6 para. 4 GDPR are met. In that case, we will of course comply with any information obligations pursuant to Article 13 para. 3 GDPR and Article 14 para. 4 GDPR.

        We process the following data for the written, telephone or electronic recording and subsequent carrying out of a service order on site:

      12. Title
      13. First name, surname
      14. Your address (street, house number, postcode, city or town, country)
      15. Your telephone number
      16. Your e-mail address
      17. The serial number of your appliance
      18. The individual fault information / description of the incident or goodwill information
      19. We process the above data for the following purposes:

      20. For establishing your responsible service partner and for carrying out a service appointment
      21. For communicating with you on everything to do with a service call
      22. To validate a Liebherr refrigerator and freezer
      23. To have the fault classified by the service technician
      24. To implement customer satisfaction surveys
      25. To set up a goodwill card and offset a goodwill amount, where appropriate
      26. Note: Making contact and implementation will be done either by the Liebherr-Great Britain Limited customer service team or by a contracted customer service selected by us. Without availability of the above personal data, we will be unable carry out the service order. We only collect further personal data insofar as these are provided voluntarily by you.

        On what legal basis do we process your data?

        The legal basis for processing your data for the written, telephone or electronic recording and subsequent carrying out of a service order on site – insofar as there are no further specific legal provisions – is in principle Art. 6 GDPR.

        1. Your data is processed based on the performance of contracts (Art. 6 para. 1 b) GDPR)

        We will process your data solely to the extent to which it is required for the above stated purposes.

        The processing of your data for Customer Service, and standard and extended guarantees is based on your contractual interests pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, point a - in conjunction with Article 7 GDPR resp. for the compliance with a legal obligation pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 point c, para. 3 point a GDPR in conjunction with Article 32 GDPR (security) resp. Article 7 para. 1 GDPR (obligation to provide evidence).

        You have the right to withdraw given consent at any time with effect for the future and/or to object at any time to processing of your data for marketing purposes. The withdrawal/objection does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal/objection. An isolated withdrawal/objection regarding only the measurement of opening and click rates is not possible, which means that you will have to unsubscribe from the newsletter for that. You can unsubscribe from the communications at any time by sending an e-mail to or by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of each communication.

        C. Data processing for marketing communication

        We additionally offer you the option of subscribing to our marketing activities. If and insofar as you have given us your consent for this, we will process the data listed below as part of the sending of our marketing communications.

        What data do we process and for what purpose?

        We process the following data:

      27. Title
      28. First name, surname
      29. Your e-mail address
      30. Your telephone number
      31. Your model number
      32. The retailer you purchased the appliance from
      33. Date of purchase
      34. Your (external) IP address
      35. Date and time of subscription
      36. Date and time of the newsletter retrieval
      37. The operating system your device uses
      38. Device type and unique device ID, if you are using a mobile device
      39. Browser ID
      40. Viewfinder size
      41. Cellular network
      42. Other information about your system and connection
      43. Pages viewed, searches and actions, session duration, links clicked, non-sensitive text entered and cursor movement while in the service.
      44. Device event information (such as system activity, error reports and hardware settings)
      45. Metadata and other information associated with files that you upload into our Service.
      46. Metrics related to the deliverability of emails and other communications we send you.
      47. Your business name (for business-to-business communications)
      48. Your job title (for business-to-business newsletters communications)
      49. Your date of birth
      50. The data provided by you are in principle processed by us solely in order to send you our marketing communications (if applicable with a personal address) by e-mail and to provide you with marketing information on our products or service offerings or about corresponding promotions, events, competitions, articles, etc.

        The data collected during your marketing subscription, are in principle processed by us solely for the protection of the offer and for the compliance with our justified interests to provide proof. In addition, we track and analyse your interactions with our newsletter (measurement of opening and click rates) to measure the success of our communication and to be able to continuously improve it and design it as needs dictate. No recipient profiles are created in this process. Opening rates are measured with the help of a so-called pixel, a small, invisible image file that is automatically loaded by the web server when the newsletter is opened and thereby provides information that the newsletter was opened. The measurement of click rates, on the other hand, is carried out in such a way that after clicking on a web link contained in the communication, you are first directed to a web server where your click is registered; only then do you reach the actual target page.

        Processing for other purposes may only be considered if the necessary legal requirements pursuant to Article 6 para. 4 GDPR are met. In that case, we will of course comply with any information obligations pursuant to Article 13 para. 3 GDPR and Article 14 para. 4 GDPR.

        With each communication, you will be given the option to unsubscribe within the body of the email. In addition, you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing

        On what legal basis do we process your data?

        The processing of your data is based on your consent pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 point a in conjunction with Article 7 GDPR resp. for the compliance with a legal obligation pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 point c, para. 3 point a GDPR in conjunction with Article 32 GDPR (security) resp. Article 7 para. 1 GDPR (obligation to provide evidence).

        You have the right to withdraw given consent at any time with effect for the future and/or to object at any time to processing of your data for marketing purposes. The withdrawal/objection does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal/objection. An isolated withdrawal/objection regarding only the measurement of opening and click rates is not possible, which means that you will have to unsubscribe from the newsletter as a whole for that. You can unsubscribe from the communications at any time by sending an e-mail to or by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the end of each communication.

        D. Data recipients

        We may transmit your data to:

      51. Other Liebherr companies in this division together with affiliates responsible for trade in refrigerators and freezers, providing servicing and repair work for such appliances and also responsible for other customer services, insofar as this is required for the initiation, implementation or ending of a contract, or there is a legitimate interest on our part in the transfer and your predominant justified interest does not oppose it.
      52. Other companies in this division together with affiliates responsible for marketing in refrigerators and freezers, for marketing communications only.
      53. Our service providers, whom we use to achieve the purposes mentioned above.
      54. Courts, arbitration tribunals, official bodies, or legal advisors, if this is required for compliance with applicable law, or assert, exercise, or defend legal claims.
      55. E. Data transfers to third countries

        The transfer of data to bodies in countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (so-called third countries) or to international organisations is only permissible (1) if you have given us your consent or (2) if the European Commission has decided that an adequate level of protection exists in a third country (Article 45 GDPR). If the Commission has not made such a decision, we may only transfer your data to recipients located in a third country if appropriate safeguards are in place (e.g., standard data protection clauses adopted by the Commission or the supervisory authority following a specific procedure) and the enforcement of your data subject rights is ensured or the transfer is permissible in individual cases on the grounds of other legal bases (Article 49 GDPR).

        Where we transfer your data to third countries, we will inform you of the respective details of the transfer at the relevant points in this data protection declaration.

      56. i. For the purposes of sending you marketing communications, we transfer your data on our email distribution list to Mailchimp, an online marketing platform operated by The Rocket Science Group LLC in the United States of America.
      57. The data we transfer to Mailchimp is:
      58. First name, surname
      59. Your e-mail address
      60. Your model number (if you own a Liebherr appliance)
      61. The retailer you purchased from (if you own a Liebherr appliance)
      62. Address, if provided this is subject to the person (s) discretion
      63. If you are a retailer, we process the above data and the following additions.
      64. The retailer you work for
      65. Your business address
      66. Your occupation, if provided
      67. F. Data erasure and storage period

        We will process your data as long as this is necessary for the respective purpose, unless you have effectively objected to the processing of your data or effectively withdrawn any consent you may have given.

        Insofar as statutory retention obligations exist – e.g. in commercial or tax law – we will be bound to store the data in question for the duration of the retention obligation. Upon expiry of the retention obligation, we will check whether there is any further necessity for the processing. If there is no longer such a necessity, your data will be deleted.

        If you have signed up for our marketing communications, we will remove your data manually if the following is true.

      68. The email has had a hard or soft bounce.
      69. If you become inactive and no longer open our emails, we will send a “would you like to still hear from us” email and if this goes unopened, we will remove your data.
      70. If you unsubscribe from our mailing list by emailing ( or clicking the option to unsubscribe from communications, which is held in the body of every email sent.
      71. If you write to us requesting the removal of your data from our system. FOA: Refrigeration Marketing, Liebherr-Great Britain Limited, Normandy Lane, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB.
      72. G. Automated individual decision-making

        For the substantiation and performance of the business relationship, we, in principle, do not use fully automated decision-making within the meaning of Article 22 GDPR. Should we use these procedures in individual cases, we will inform you about this separately if this is required by law.

        H. Data security

        We use technical and organisational security measures to ensure that your data is protected against loss, inaccurate alteration or unauthorised access by third parties. Moreover, for our part in every case, only authorised persons have access to your data, and this only insofar as it is necessary within the scope of the above-stated purposes.

        I. Rights of affected persons and right to complaint

        Within the legally prescribed framework, you have the right to

      73. Be informed about your data;
      74. Rectification of incorrect data and completion of incomplete data;
      75. Deletion of your data, in particular if (1) these are no longer required for the purposes stated in this data privacy notice, (2) you have revoked your agreement and there is no other legal basis for processing, (3) your data have been wrongfully processed or (4) you have made an objection to processing and there are no overriding justifications for processing.
      76. Restricting the processing of your data, particularly if you dispute the correctness of the data or your data are wrongfully processed and instead of deletion you are demanding restriction of use.
      77. The right to receive your data from us in a structured, current and machine-readable format and the right to have your data transferred by us directly to another responsible person.
      78. Please note that legality of processing based on agreement and carried out up to the point of your revoking the agreement remains unaffected by your revocation.

        In the event of a claim under the rights listed above, we would ask for your understanding for the fact that we may demand evidence from you to prove that you are the person you claim to be.

        You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority.

        Last updated: November 2023